Parsley Wine Drink

Hildegard's Way


  • 10-12 fresh parsley stems with leaves
  • 80-150 g good quality honey
  • 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1 liter good quality wine, best with no sulfites added


Place parsley and vinegar in a pot and cover with wine. Bring to boil and cook for 10 minutes without cover. Add honey and continue to cook for another 5 minutes. Remove from heat and filter through a cloth. Pour into a sterile glass container. Store at a room temperature.
Alcohol evaporates during cooking process but not entirely. The Vol is about 2%.
Take 1 shot glass (50ml) 3 times a day, about an hour after a meal.

Video instructions on our YouTube Channel 

  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 10 minutes
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